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to summon up

Formas del verbo
InfinitiveSimple PastPast Participle
to summon up play verbform summoned up play verbform summoned up play verbform
Tablas de conjugación
simple present
I summon up we summon up
you summon up you summon up
he/she/it summons up they summon up
present progressive
I am summoning up we are summoning up
you are summoning up you are summoning up
he/she/it is summoning up they are summoning up
present perfect
I have summoned up we have summoned up
you have summoned up you have summoned up
he/she/it has summoned up they have summoned up
present perfect progressive
I have been summoning up we have been summoning up
you have been summoning up you have been summoning up
he/she/it has been summoning up they have been summoning up
simple past
I summoned up we summoned up
you summoned up you summoned up
he/she/it summoned up they summoned up
past progressive
I was summoning up we were summoning up
you were summoning up you were summoning up
he/she/it was summoning up they were summoning up
past perfect
I had summoned up we had summoned up
you had summoned up you had summoned up
he/she/it had summoned up they had summoned up
past perfect progressive
I had been summoning up we had been summoning up
you had been summoning up you had been summoning up
he/she/it had been summoning up they had been summoning up
simple future
I will summon up we will summon up
you will summon up you will summon up
he/she/it will summon up they will summon up
future progressive
I will be summoning up we will be summoning up
you will be summoning up you will be summoning up
he/she/it will be summoning up they will be summoning up
future perfect
I will have summoned up we will have summoned up
you will have summoned up you will have summoned up
he/she/it will have summoned up they will have summoned up
future perfect progressive
I will have been summoning up we will have been summoning up
you will have been summoning up you will have been summoning up
he/she/it will have been summoning up they will have been summoning up
conditional present
I would summon up we would summon up
you would summon up you would summon up
he/she/it would summon up they would summon up
conditional present progressive
I would be summoning up we would be summoning up
you would be summoning up you would be summoning up
he/she/it would be summoning up they would be summoning up
conditional perfect
I would have summoned up we would have summoned up
you would have summoned up you would have summoned up
he/she/it would have summoned up they would have summoned up
conditional perfect progressive
I would have been summoning up we would have been summoning up
you would have been summoning up you would have been summoning up
he/she/it would have been summoning up they would have been summoning up
passive simple present
I am summoned up we are summoned up
you are summoned up you are summoned up
he/she/it is summoned up they are summoned up
passive present progressive
I am being summoned up we are being summoned up
you are being summoned up you are being summoned up
he/she/it is being summoned up they are being summoned up
passive present perfect
I have been summoned up we have been summoned up
you have been summoned up you have been summoned up
he/she/it has been summoned up they have been summoned up
passive present perfect progressive
I have been being summoned up we have been being summoned up
you have been being summoned up you have been being summoned up
he/she/it has been being summoned up they have been being summoned up
passive simple past
I was summoned up we were summoned up
you were summoned up you were summoned up
he/she/it was summoned up they were summoned up
passive past progressive
I was being summoned up we were being summoned up
you were being summoned up you were being summoned up
he/she/it was being summoned up they were being summoned up
passive past perfect
I had been summoned up we had been summoned up
you had been summoned up you had been summoned up
he/she/it had been summoned up they had been summoned up
passive past perfect progressive
I had been being summoned up we had been being summoned up
you had been being summoned up you had been being summoned up
he/she/it had been being summoned up they had been being summoned up
passive simple future
I will be summoned up we will be summoned up
you will be summoned up you will be summoned up
he/she/it will be summoned up they will be summoned up
passive future progressive
I will be being summoned up we will be being summoned up
you will be being summoned up you will be being summoned up
he/she/it will be being summoned up they will be being summoned up
passive future perfect
I will have been summoned up we will have been summoned up
you will have been summoned up you will have been summoned up
he/she/it will have been summoned up they will have been summoned up
passive future perfect progressive
I will have been being summoned up we will have been being summoned up
you will have been being summoned up you will have been being summoned up
he/she/it will have been being summoned up they will have been being summoned up
to summon up
Palabras similares
summon up conjure up muster up pluck up evoke gather up rouse muster bear up summon work up infuse clear up recover conjure stir up regain screw up lift up awaken raise up efface live up save up build up revive call forth bring up recall bolster up impart courage resolution energy strength smile fortitude vision think up remembrance image sufficient do up try recollection memory
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